Head Phantom: PH-HEAD
Left Hand Phantom: PH-LHS
Right Hand Phantom: PH-RHS
Measurements and experimental works, taking possible interaction with parts of human body adjacent to objects under tests into account, are becoming more and more significant as required for example, in development of antennas for cellular phones. To serve such requirements, various types of PHANTOM simulating shapes and dielectric properties of human body are being used. Many of those PHANTOM’s, however, are composed of either liquids in containers or some other materials such as ceramics and are not necessarily easy to handle due to their heavier weights, etc. Our recently developed SOLID PHANTOM could overcome major drawbacks of other competitive products by using “hollow micro spheres” - contained synthetic resins mixed with electrically conductive fibers, resulting in “light in weight”, “easy to control dielectric properties” and “flexible for various contour” through molding process.